Category: New Adult Novels

Setting Teaser

Setting Teaser

Wow, I’m still grinning stupidly from cover reveal day. Thanks for all the posts, tweets  and good wishes! So how about that beautiful farming valley my cover artist Craig created? The Peaks District in England–the setting of the story–doesn’t quite look like this, as my Pinterest research board shows. I bet you’ve figured out why […]

What is ‘A Steampunk Fantasy Romance’?

What is ‘A Steampunk Fantasy Romance’?

I’m using the tag ‘A Steampunk Fantasy Romance’ to describe The Unraveling, but my novel isn’t all about gears and steam. Steampunk falls within the science fiction genre. Libraries and bookstores will categorize my novel as: Fiction/science fiction/steampunk But that still doesn’t explain it. So, think Jules Verne. He lived and wrote in the 1800s, […]