Book Quote Wednesday ~ #better on 4/22/2020

Posted April 22, 2020 by Laurel Wanrow in Nature, nature fantasy, YA Novels / 0 Comments

It’s #BookQW and now is ‘better’ to plant flowers!

More from Chapter 11:

Lady Pina began asking wildflower questions. That cut off Fern’s scrolling thoughts of her own shortcomings. She thought she’d identified every species when Lady Pina put up a finger. “This is a fine collection, but where is your ratna?”

The one question Fern couldn’t answer. The ratna was the only plant on the list for which Gran hadn’t known the scientific name, and no amount of searching on the Web had located the species. “We can’t find a source for it,” Fern admitted.

The lady looked her up and down, her gaze lingering on Fern’s hands, clasped together to keep from shaking. Then Lady Pina shook her head.

Fern’s stomach clenched. Damn. This is the one person who genuinely likes my work. “Ma’am? If you know where we can get some, I’ll start it in my sunroom and have mature plants ready for fall planting. Or spring, if that’s better.”

Lady Pina sighed. “If it were up to me, this would be acceptable, but it is not.” She pushed through the screen door.

Fern trotted after her. “Not up to you? Or not acceptable?”

“Not up to me.”

Apparently, they hadn’t failed. Had they? “So will you support our approval?”

Lady Pina turned to her and nodded. “I will, you have reason to be proud of yourself, young lady,” she said. “The ratna would be yours if Heather would come around, but now I canna delay another moment. Goodbye.” Lady Pina strode away through the tall grass.

Mom wouldn’t help here, not with a plant.

Fern pounded a fist into one hand and spun toward the cottage. “No, we won’t have our work dismissed because of one plant.” Gran would…

Not we. Gran wasn’t allowed to help with her inspections. Fern blew out her breath.


Read the first chapters of The Witch of the Meadows, a story about saving a meadow and bringing family together.


In other news: Happy 50th Earth Day!

Google has a special 2020 Earth Day doodle that made me happy because it highlights bees and flowers.

Please plant flowers! And make sure they contain no neonicotinoids, a pesticide that kills all insects. Here’s a TED talk by bee researcher Marla Spivak: Why Bees Are Disappearing.

Sunflowers and zinnias are very easy to grow.

Stay home and order your seeds from an organic source. I have used Kitchen Garden Seeds and the noted ‘organic’ seeds from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, because it is local to my part of the country. If you can find organic seed sourced from your region, that’s your best bet.

Happy Earth Day and happy gardening!

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