Yesterday I arrived in Colorado for a month. Most folks respond with a “Wow” when I say I’ll be doing this because they assume this is how I’ll spend my days:
Problem is, we own a family place, so my reality is this:
Weeding (yes, I put down weed barrier!), cutting brush for fire mitigation and ironically, planting other areas to restore a flood-damaged stream bank. On top of the usual chores for maintaining a log cabin, this year we’re scheduled to put water treatment on the porch.
Still, I am in the mountains (!) and it’s been years since I was out the particular weeks the poppies bloom.
I’m thrilled, especially because these poppies survived a recent flood and are ones my mom had planted along the creek in the 1960’s. (I’ll post blooms when they’re out!)
I have my hummingbird feeder up, and they found it in half a day.
And between my chores and family visiting, I will be carving out time to write!
How will you spend your summer?
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