Have you got a lot of room?
The catalpa trees–there are both a Northern and a Southern Catalpa–are native to North America and grow 40 to 60 feet tall. Not as big as some trees, but the large heart-shaped leaves and the clumps of large and showy flowers make the tree seem huge. The inch-wide blossoms come with the added bonus of offering bees an oversized puddle of nectar to sip from, making the tree very popular, particularly during July when many flowers have finished blooming and nectar is harder to find. Hosting one in your yard offers pollinators a vertical feast!
This post is part of series designed to raise awareness about trees–and other woody plants–that help bees. My interest in trees, bees and nature carries over to my fantasy novels. In the upcoming release Guardian of the Pines, Cor loves trees and is a trained beekeeper with an unusual gift of magic for working with both. Read the first chapters here.
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