My blog here looks woefully neglected. Yet I blog two places and in my Eastern Gray Squirrel alter-ego at The Squirrel Nutwork, I’ve entered a month of daily blog posts with the Blogging A to Z Challenge. (Visit the website for more alphabet details on how this works!)
A few days ago, the blogging letter was N. A to Z co-host S. L. Hennessy wrote a great post titled N is for Not Giving Up, and a tweet of it today reminded me my personal blog might appear that I have.
Oh, quite the contrary!
I am moving forward with the self-publishing of my first novel, The Unraveling. So the blog is out of date, the Facebook posts scant and the house a mess as I email the cover artist, make final copy edits and decide on formatting styles.
According to BW, this last part has taken over her territory, but hey, every novel is a reference for how a book should look!
I will have release news soon! If you follow me–or even if you don’t!–and blog and would be interested in joining in on a cover release, please contact me! You are invited to read a few chapters here.
Have a great day working to further your dreams!
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