Book Quote Wednesday
Enter the ‘dream’ world of books with Book Quote Wednesday! #bookqw #SFR #sciencefiction #romance https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1ZDIHC
Enter the ‘dream’ world of books with Book Quote Wednesday! #bookqw #SFR #sciencefiction #romance https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N1ZDIHC
Passages is a SciFi + Romance = SFR A science fiction romance for the hopeful-romantic nerds in all of us.
It’s #BookQW with an ‘order’ from Passages. So excited for its release in 1 week! See the blog tour: http://laurelwanrow.com
It’s been a week of edits, and not on a story with dogs in it, so it took a ‘like’ on my Facebook page–for the guinea pig excerpt–to remind me I promised to post a dog excerpt. Here we go with Quinn’s first meeting and rescue of the Irish Wolfhound in my novel Passages. The […]
Congratulations to author Laurie A Green on her debut of Farewell Andromeda, a Kindle short read climbing the ranks already! Laurie chronicled the surprise early release on her blog Spacefreighters Lounge, but let me just add this novelette is a lead-in to Laurie’s award-winning epic novel which is coming soon. If you love science fiction […]
Thanks for stopping by to read my science fiction romance Passages, as part of the SFR Brigade Presents. Passages is a completed novel. The first two chapters are featured under ‘My Novels’ in the bar above and I’ve just updated a few recent changes. Here’s an excerpt from Chapter Two, in the heroine Eve’s POV, […]
Thank you for visiting me through Science Fiction Romance Brigade’s Presents! I’m pleased to share a snippet from my SFR, Passages. Quinn, the hero, is also getting used to having—and placating—his bodyguard, an emotional woman only somewhat suited for the job. I handed Taior his copy and shook his hand. “As promised we’ll do […]
Thank you for stopping by to check out my snippet from Passages, my science fiction romance…which may need a genre label shift. SF also stands for ‘speculative fiction,’ right? Seems my novel might fall into the ‘science fantasy’ genre. Still looking into it. Anyhow, here we go: Quinn has never experienced small town life before, […]
Another week, another bit of Passages, my science fiction romance. When Quinn finally finds his missing ‘brother’, he discovers those memories of their fights weren’t exaggerated. Eve is afraid she might have to put her bodyguard function to use. “That’s not the only detail you left out,” Quil snapped. “Why wasn’t I told the Cavvert […]
I’m guilty of a gap in postings. *sigh* But I’m back again with another excerpt of my science fiction romance. My hero Quinn discovers his new bodyguard Eve is not a happy camper when he disappears before she’s had her coffee. I’d gone to the sideboard to pour a second cup when the door swung […]