Thank you for visiting me through Science Fiction Romance Brigade’s Presents!
I’m pleased to share a snippet from my SFR, Passages. Quinn, the hero, is also getting used to having—and placating—his bodyguard, an emotional woman only somewhat suited for the job.
I handed Taior his copy and shook his hand. “As promised we’ll do whatever we can to help, but I’m afraid we have an equally pressing problem if we’re to have the staff to help Aarde. Earlier Evard and I visited Dome—”
The others gasped, but Eve rounded on me. “How dare you leave without me.”
“Easy, Eve.” Evard stopped her with a hand to her shoulder. “Hear him out.”
She crossed my arms and stared at me.
“Evard was available to guard me. We avoided the Conducer guards by cross-leaping directly onto Level Two and used Lacuna to hide as we investigated.” I had to make her understand. “Time’s running short and you were down for repair. Besides…you wouldn’t have liked using Lacuna repeatedly. Evard did.”
Her lips pressed thin for a moment before she inclined her head. “Fine, you’re the minister. But…”
“But what?”
“But you made the decision in consideration of my feelings, function be damned, as Evard would say.”
Evard laughed. “In other words, she’s saying she feels bloody lucky.”
Hope you’ve enjoyed their…negotiations. Read more SFR at the Brigade website, or head to twitter with #sfrbp. Thanks for reading!
I’m guessing there’s more than a bodyguard/person to be guarded between them?
Oh, yes, a whole lot more! LOL