I think my outfit came together pretty well. The most fun I had was watching my fellow writers do double-takes upon realizing who I was. Replacing my regular glasses, with their square purple frames, sure made a difference, not to mention just dressing up for a change.
I could not keep my short hair pinned, and when I mentioned this (the Victorian fax-paux of having my hair loose!) on Facebook, fellow author Rowan Worth who does Civil War reenacting suggested a snood, and thankfully included this Victorian hair snood link! Basically, it’s a hair net, and Mrs. Button’s Vintage Corner did this accessory justice in her article ‘In the mood for a snood.‘
I hosted at the information table for the Maryland Romance Writers’ tent, but also listened to several panel discussions.
And also had a fun day hanging out with author friends, including fellow indy-publishers Rebecca Rivard and Leslye Penelope.
The event continues through Sunday, Sept 27, and Maryland Romance Writers is hosting a full schedule from 11 am to 7 pm each day.
Another highlight for me, as a self-published author whose books are POD rather than available in bookstores, was seeing my print copies shelved with others in the book sales area.
More photos are at the Maryland Romance Writers Facebook Album Baltimore Book Festival 2015. Thanks for sharing my costume crafting journey!
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