It’s #BookQW and a ‘mistake’ can be fun!
More from Chapter 17:
Hoist the mainsail! Batten down the hatches! Kiss the gunner’s daughter!
From the moment Ty climbed aboard The Peaceful Seas, Salm had peppered his instructions with common nautical terms, weird sea references, pirate jargon and…bilge?
Salm greeted him with “Ahoy, matey,” but was the rest of this bilge—Salm’s term for foolish talk—really used by the Seas family? Everything with Salm was carefree and wild, and Ty’s head swam until Salm finally admitted he was a drivelswigger—a reader of nautical adventures—which took his jests to another level.
Time raced by, and Ty thought he was catching on until Salm squinted at the sun and proclaimed, “Yer wench will be setting a school of piranha on your aft.”
Ty checked the old brass compass they’d been using for the lesson, certain he must have mistaken the direction of the prevailing wind and would have some sort of sailor bad luck.
“Mate, ’tis time.” Salm pointed to town. “Get to the bakery before Coral has a major hissy fit.”
With a start, Ty’s gaze jerked to his wristwatch. Two forty-five! Was she really the kind to pitch a fit? He bolted across the deck.
“Be there in a few minutes meself,” Salm called. “We’ll make short work of Manta’s buns and continue your education on the Midnight Marauder. I bet my dear sister has forgotten we’re to measure fat levels on the young’uns today.”
Ty didn’t wait to figure that one out. He sidled down the narrow gangway and took off running.
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Get Lost Whisperer of the Seas in print or ebook! Buy it here!
If you haven’t read the rest of the series, don’t worry. This novel can be read as a standalone. The characters and location are new to the series.
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And what about Coral’s brother Salm?
Salm of the Seas has appeared in several Windborne novels and is getting his own story. I’m deep in another round of revisions for Keepers of the Seas Cliffs, with hopes it will be off to the copy editor in November and published before the end of the year. Get early excerpts by joining my newsletter!
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