Category: Conferences

Dressing up like a Victorian lady, Part 4: Reticules and other ways to carry things

Dressing up like a Victorian lady, Part 4: Reticules and other ways to carry things

Let’s face it, we are a society that totes things. To attend the Baltimore Book Festival dressed like a Victorian lady, and still have all my ‘necessities,’ I needed a reticule. In other words, an era-appropriate purse. My research led me to a timeline of purses titled Please Don’t Ridicule my Reticule! by Joan Kiplinger […]

Posted September 24, 2015 by Laurel Wanrow in Book Festival, Conferences, Research, Writing / 4 Comments
Dressing up like a Victorian lady, Part 2: Acccessories

Dressing up like a Victorian lady, Part 2: Acccessories

Dressing properly isn’t just the clothes; the accessories must be right to make a correct historical presence. I have a few more things to prepare for my Victorian costume to be ready for the Baltimore Book Festival. Anyone and everyone going out of the house in Victorian times wore a hat. During the time The […]

Thanksgiving = Chessiecon

Thanksgiving = Chessiecon

Over the weekend following Thanksgiving, the mid-Atlantic region is treated to Chessiecon, a science fiction/fantasy con presented by the Thanksgiving Science Fictions Society in Timonium, Maryland. Sessions on many aspects of SF/F are offered across as many as 12 rooms–art, music, gaming, dance, spiritual, videos, and literature. But best of all, one of my favorite […]

Posted November 29, 2014 by Laurel Wanrow in Conferences / 3 Comments
My RWA14 Conference Round-up

My RWA14 Conference Round-up

What’s it like to attend a conference with 2500 other writers? I can only speak from my experience with the Romance Writers of America National conferences: Exhilarating, educational and exhausting. Though a week has passed since the latest—the 34th—held in San Antonio, my head is still reeling with new ideas. Most writers leave very inspired […]

Posted August 4, 2014 by Laurel Wanrow in Conferences, RWA, Writing / 0 Comments