Save the date: I’ll be at VA Comicon Dec 8th
Come and join me and other local fantasy authors for an afternoon of costumes, fun and geeky gift-buying! I’ll be in Booth B13. Get the details on the Va Comicon website!
Come and join me and other local fantasy authors for an afternoon of costumes, fun and geeky gift-buying! I’ll be in Booth B13. Get the details on the Va Comicon website!
Okay, this has nothing to do with writing…almost. Last weekend I took off to West Virginia for the Almost Heaven Star Party with my husband. We met as amateur astronomers in the astronomy club that hosts the event, NOVAC, the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club. That would be back in 1986 when Comet Halley passed by. […]
Who knew seeing your cover in a new way could be just as exciting as seeing the real book? I printed these ‘chapter booklets’ of The Unraveling to give away at my author reading this weekend at RavenCon 2016. Into 12 text pages, we squeezed both chapter 1 & 3 to give readers a taste […]
Let’s face it, we are a society that totes things. To attend the Baltimore Book Festival dressed like a Victorian lady, and still have all my ‘necessities,’ I needed a reticule. In other words, an era-appropriate purse. My research led me to a timeline of purses titled Please Don’t Ridicule my Reticule! by Joan Kiplinger […]
Dressing properly isn’t just the clothes; the accessories must be right to make a correct historical presence. I have a few more things to prepare for my Victorian costume to be ready for the Baltimore Book Festival. Anyone and everyone going out of the house in Victorian times wore a hat. During the time The […]
When I first decided to attend the Baltimore Book Festival, I also decided to dress Victorian, the era my series The Luminated Threads is set. I already knew it’d be fun because I put together a steampunk costume for a RWA conference a few years ago. But that was fantasy and easy–I could collect up […]
Over the weekend following Thanksgiving, the mid-Atlantic region is treated to Chessiecon, a science fiction/fantasy con presented by the Thanksgiving Science Fictions Society in Timonium, Maryland. Sessions on many aspects of SF/F are offered across as many as 12 rooms–art, music, gaming, dance, spiritual, videos, and literature. But best of all, one of my favorite […]
What’s it like to attend a conference with 2500 other writers? I can only speak from my experience with the Romance Writers of America National conferences: Exhilarating, educational and exhausting. Though a week has passed since the latest—the 34th—held in San Antonio, my head is still reeling with new ideas. Most writers leave very inspired […]
The Romance Writers of America National Conference is this week and I’m looking forward to workshops, the trade show, meeting with friends, and especially finding new books.
Congratulations to my fellow finalists in the 2013 Put Your Heart in a Book contest! This event for unpublished writers is sponsored by the New Jersey Romance Writers. The winners will be announced at the NJRWA Conference October 18th. Historical Sacha Devine – The Ring Laurie Benson – A Proper Scandal* Patricia Kratina – The […]